Writing and updating blogs does require extra patience, in addition to fresh and new ideas. In today's online world, the material is actually very easy to get, it's just a matter of further development. Do you have to have SEO in every article?. In our opinion, it all depends on the situation and conditions. The best, both in the field of blogging or you tuber updates regularly, can be once a week if you are really busy. Once every three days if it's a bit serious to take care of the blog.

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gotoads is focused on discussing general things, given the limited time and the author himself who manages other blogs both in cahpondokkan, table tennis and the modern world. Each blog needs serious attention and focus so that the age or age of the blog can survive in the midst of a rapidly changing world.

gotoads chose the tribach, which is a support for a survey and mapping tool that is very important in supporting the accuracy of the data, the balance of a target or prism and this tribach must be in good condition and calibrated during measurements. So that the results of one or more data are quite maximal, free from blunder errors that can appear if this tribach is not in good condition.

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Likewise, mentality like tribach in blogging, demanding stability in updates, being strong in the face of regulations if that happens. Well.... tribach is an important thing that supports a survey and mapping work, like a blogger who is serious about managing a blog or website as a way of life. At first, even if it was a sideline or a fad, it could be that one day it would become the main job to beat the work that he had been doing.